resim 223
resim 223

To prepare for retirement, it is better to consider a savings solution as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant surprises. Among the systems created in recent years, some are more interesting than others and allow you to set up secure savings before the end of your professional activity. However, it is difficult to navigate between the PER, the Perp and the Perco. We take stock for you.

The Perp and the Perco are two schemes that were created by the pension reform of 2003. These retirement savings plans represent investments that offer the possibility of saving over the long term to build up capital and thus guarantee income. supplements upon retirement. The Perp is, therefore, an individual insurance contract, which can be taken out with a bank, an insurance company, a provident organization or a mutual insurance company. In this context, the frequency and amount of contributions remain free. The PER is, for its part, a savings device, which has the opportunity to be individual or corporate. It aims to replace the Perp or the Madelin contract.

For the Perco, things are different. It is, in fact, a collective retirement savings plan, opened within the framework of a company. Each employee can thus deposit his participation and profit-sharing there, while making voluntary payments within the limit of 25% of his remuneration. It has the same early release conditions as the Perp, giving the possibility of recovering its capital before retirement in the event of the purchase of your main residence or its restoration after a natural disaster. When it is closed, you can recover your savings in the form of an annuity or even receive all of the capital.