resim 781
resim 781

With the recent pension reform, the French will see their pension changed, starting September 1st. Among the measures voted by the text of the law, the raising of the legal age from 62 to 64, as well as the increase in the duration of insurance, are planned as soon as it comes into force. A large number of current workers, but also future retirees, are therefore affected by these major changes, which may make rethinking the organization of retirement. Find out which periods not worked still give the right to additional terms.

Despite the future pension reform, the legal age of the full rate will remain fixed at 67 years. If you wish to retire before the age of 67, you will however have to accumulate a number of quarters and a period of insurance now extended to 43 annuities. This number of trimesters therefore works according to your date of birth. For example, if you were born in 1962, you can retire from 62 years and 6 months and obtain the full rate of your retirement after having accumulated 169 quarters. If you choose to end your professional activity before the age of 67 without having the required number of terms, you will not be able to claim the full rate.

With the increase in the duration of insurance, future retirees are wondering about the accumulation of quarters and in particular the possibility of accumulating quarters during periods not worked. Indeed, some of these periods are assimilated to moments of work, provided that you have been active up to this moment. However, you should know that these quarters not associated with a contribution cannot increase your retirement pension. You can thus obtain some during maternity leave, a period of unemployment, during training or on sick leave. Discover, in our slideshow, which are the periods not worked which still give right to additional quarters.