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The payment of the retirement pension is a very important moment in the life of retirees. Faced with galloping inflation, seniors, like the rest of the population, have felt their purchasing power diminish. Faced with this phenomenon, the pensions of the general scheme have already been the subject of several revaluations this year. Indeed, the amount of pensions increased by 1.1% in January, and by 4% in September, as reported by the JDN.

The 2023 Social Security financing bill introduces an additional revaluation as of January 1, 2023. It will be around 0.8%. The justification behind this increase is still and always the extraordinary inflation that we are currently experiencing, according to the Internet user.

The pension fund for seniors subscribing to the general scheme pays pensions “in arrears”. That is to say that the amount due for a certain month is paid on the 9th of the following month. However, if this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the payment is shifted to the nearest working day, before or after the initial date.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the payment dates correspond, by definition, to the day when the insurance fund sends the money, and not necessarily to the day when this money will arrive in your account. Indeed, bank delays can delay the moment when you actually receive your pension by one, two, or even three days!

Find below the general scheme pension payment schedule for 2023, as published by the Retirement Insurance.