resim 1195
resim 1195

At the dawn of its implementation, the pension reform is a major upheaval in the daily lives of future retirees. In particular, it plans to review the contribution base for self-employed workers to improve their pension rights. While this modification could be a good omen for the principals concerned, it remains a complicated objective to achieve, which could become a trap. Explanations.

Since January, the pension reform has been causing tension and tension for many French people, worried about the prospect of raising the legal retirement age. While an increase in the duration of insurance is also planned, the government is committed to the issue of the pension of the self-employed, in particular those who receive the smallest amounts such as artisans or traders. In this perspective, the executive wants to achieve its ends without increasing the levy rate. A choice which should be felt on the bases of contributions with, as a project, the reduction of the base on which the rate of levy for the CSG and the CRDS is calculated.

At the same time as this problem, the base used to calculate pension contributions should be raised. The self-employed could therefore obtain more rights for their future pension, without increasing their rate of deductions. This change should be implemented in 2025 or 2026, a significant delay, which could create new inequalities given the different contribution rules between the categories of self-employed. As Capital reports, the Institute for Social Protection (IPS) considers that this reform is “badly born” and recommends other changes such as the application of a new base only to the CSG and the CRDS.