resim 226
resim 226

With the pension reform, both private and public sector employees will see their retirement plans changed. For civil servants, the legal retirement age will thus reach 64, excluding the “active” category for the exercise of arduous or dangerous jobs. The pension calculation method will remain unchanged. What about the additional public service pension?

The additional public service pension, also called RAFP, is a supplementary retirement pension to basic retirement. It concerns the civil and military pension fund, in the case of State civil servants, as well as the CNRACL, for territorial or hospital civil servants. Introduced in 2005, it comes on top of the basic pension for civil servants already paid. This is a point-based pension scheme, where the contributions paid are used to calculate the amount of the supplementary retirement pension.

In order to benefit from the additional public service pension, you must be eligible for retirement with the SRE or the CNRACL. After reaching at least the legal retirement age, you will be able to benefit from it. To contribute to this scheme, premiums and allowances are taken into account, as are benefits in kind. All of these elements must not exceed 20% of the amount of your annual gross index salary. The contribution rate for this pension is 5% of earnings.