resim 705
resim 705

When you retire, several important documents must be collected in order to facilitate your procedures during this essential stage of your professional career. Therefore, it is essential for you to obtain your retirement notification, also called “pension certificate”, which is the document sent upon your departure to justify your retired status. It will be essential for you to carry out your procedures at the end of your working life. Find out what it is for and how to get it.

Among the long list of major documents to have at the time of your retirement, the retirement notification must be obtained. Indeed, at the end of your professional career, you will frequently be asked to certify your status as a retiree to different organizations. This is, for example, the case with health insurance or even supplementary health insurance such as mutual insurance companies. When you collect this document, remember to keep the original copy and only provide a copy when requested.

Your retirement notification is sent to the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) to which you are attached based on your place of residence. It offers you access to reimbursements for your health expenses, but also those of your beneficiaries. Pay particular attention to the receipt of this retirement notification by the CPAM, because, without it, you could be deprived of these reimbursements. An update of your vital card will also be necessary.

The retirement notification includes several pieces of information relating to your retirement. You can find there the effective date of retirement or the starting point of retirement, as well as the elements relating to the calculation of your retirement pension with the basic income. The increases to which you are entitled are also noted, as is the amount of your pension indicated as a net monthly amount.

If you are also entitled to a supplementary retirement pension, in addition to your basic pension, you do not need a second document to provide. Only the retirement notification sent contains all the necessary elements and there is no action to take with your supplementary insurance.

Your retirement notification is sent to you automatically when you request your retirement online. You must first complete your retirement request, then see your file be studied by Health Insurance. When validated, you will receive your retirement notification without having to request it. It really marks your retirement.

If you still wish to obtain certain details, it is better to contact Retirement Insurance. It therefore has a network of regional funds with which you can communicate by telephone, by mail or during an appointment with an advisor.