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The retirement could be delayed in a few months. Indeed, for several days now, the thorny subject of pension reform has returned to the forefront of the political scene.

The government recently announced its strategy and since then the top gear has been engaged. This Thursday, October 13, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne begins a consultation with the leaders of the various parliamentary groups present in the hemicycle.

It was the representatives of the Les RĂ©publicains party who were the first to be received at Matignon, facing the head of government accompanied by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt and that of Relations with Parliament Franck Riester.

Later in the day, it will be Aurore Bergé, president of Renaissance, the majority party, in the National Assembly, who will be heard by the members of the government in the company of her colleagues from Horizons and the MoDem.

On Friday October 14, 2022, it will be the turn of Mathilde Panot, deputy of France Insoumise, followed by Marine Le Pen, who will be invited to participate in these consultations. Finally, the Socialist Party will be received next Monday, reports Ouest-France.

If the majority of opposition groups disagree with this reform project, we will have to wait a few more months to find out whether or not it will be adopted.

If retirement could soon be postponed to 65, certain methods exist to validate additional quarters without having to work more. Here are which ones.