resim 1194
resim 1194

PERP, Préfon, Corem, CRH, Perco, Madelin… So many names that should be familiar to you if you have already taken out a retirement savings contract. In fact, more and more retirees are choosing this option in order to build up solid capital for a more peaceful retirement. Currently, banks offer a single product, which brings together all these plans: the Retirement Savings Plan. Is it possible to bring them all together in one place?

Many retirees today are far-sighted and decide to subscribe to a retirement savings plan in order to secure their future. Indeed, who says retirement, very often says loss of resources, which is not without consequences on the quality of life and the purchasing power of retirees. In order to remedy this situation, retirement savings are therefore strongly recommended to keep money, which will be available during this period. If you hold several retirement contracts, it is possible to combine them into a single product, but certain steps must be taken.

The Pacte law, having created the Retirement Savings Plan (PER), therefore allows savers to combine their PERP and Madelin contracts, savings subscribed individually, but also employee savings blocked until retirement age (Perco), as well as “article 83” contracts. This offers you “total portability” of your retirement savings: you must therefore contact the bank or insurer with whom you wish to take out your PER. About two to four months, on average, will be needed to complete the transfer after signing the slip.