Difficult to miss the reversion. This system, which essentially allows the wives of deceased pensioners to receive part of the pension to which they were entitled during their lifetime, is essential in the fight against income inequality. As the economist Florence Legros explained in our columns, these persist even after the cessation of activity when they do not simply worsen. This does not mean that the reversion process is perfect, on the contrary! It remains subject to a certain number of criteria, sometimes strict, including the question of remarriage in certain cases.

Does this mean that it is not possible to collect the reversion of one’s former husband after remarriage? That it is impossible to touch two or more reversions? Not necessarily. Explanations.

“Reversion is a pension granted under conditions to the spouse of an insured person after the death of the latter. It corresponds to part of the amount from which he benefited: approximately 54% for employees and the self-employed, 50% for former civil servants, 60% for supplementary schemes”, explains Philippe Crevel from the outset, who continues, highlighting the criteria likely to block the perception of several reversions.

“Some regimes do not tolerate remarriage, which does not allow you to benefit from a second reversion. Others condition its perception to resource ceilings, which means that certain limits must not be exceeded to reach several of them”, he summarizes.

Benefiting from a survivor’s pension, informs Pleine-Vie on its site, implies thinking about applying for it. The device is not automatically assigned. That being said, it is theoretically possible to accumulate several reversions, provided that the minimum income limits set under the general scheme are not exceeded and that you do not marry former workers who have contributed to Agirc-Arrco for the scheme. additoinal. The expert is not in a position to give a precise figure, since there is, a priori, no theoretical limit in the scenario mentioned above.

The organization refuses the revaluation to all remarried pensioners.

If it is possible, at least on the theoretical level, to take advantage of several reversions, the mission can seem difficult once faced with practical cases. However, it is not entirely improbable, judge Philippe Crevel. “Some schemes pay reversion pensions in proportion to the time spent as a spouse. Therefore, a marriage that would not have lasted would only generate a small reversion, which could make it possible to receive it in addition to another without exceeding the ceilings”, observes the economist.

However indispensable reversion may prove to be, the fact remains that it is possible to lose it. This is the case for all beneficiaries who remarry and who previously enjoyed a pension paid by Agirc-Arrco, but it is not necessary to go so far: the return to cohabitation can also lead to loss of rights.

Of course, any situation leading to an increase in the means of the insured person is likely, as soon as it is accompanied by an increase in the resources of the insured person, to cause the loss of the reversion. If the ceiling is exceeded, it is no longer possible to claim it, recalls the specialized site pension-reversion.fr

In some cases, it is even possible to lose the reversion even before touching it. This is generally the result of a request occurring at a time when the resource conditions are not met, sometimes due to a combination of employment and retirement. Be careful.