resim 22
resim 22

Since the presentation of the text on the pension reform, the challenge is going well in France with a social mobilization which does not weaken. Faced with an executive, for the moment inflexible, the proposals follow one another in order to consider different solutions. The goal ? Do not force the French to work longer. Discover in our slideshow what other possible prospects are.

To save a system deemed to be failing, the government has initiated a pension reform, which lowers the legal retirement age to 64 and increases the contribution period to 43 annuities. A heresy for angry French people, who reject this pension reform at 68%, according to a recent JDD poll. Since the presentation of the text on January 10, it is a race against time that has started between the executive and the French people who are determined not to give up the fight. From February 6, the bill will be examined by Parliament before its implementation scheduled for September 2023. Until then, the days of mobilization follow one another, with the hope that the executive will eventually give in on certain provisions.

According to the government, this pension reform is essential in order to safeguard the pension system. As TF1 reports, the executive recalls that “without this reform, our pension system will accumulate deficits for a long time: 12.4 billion in 2027, 13.5 billion in 2030 and 21.2 billion in 2035.” According to the COR, “from 2022 to 2032”, the financial situation of the pension system would deteriorate with a deficit ranging from -0.5 point of GDP to -0.8 point of GDP”. Among economists, trade unions or even the opposition, this option remains controversial, subject to other proposals, which would make it possible to preserve the French from a late retirement. Here, in our slideshow, are the other possible options for this pension reform.