At the time of retirement, it is not uncommon to wish to move abroad to benefit from a more clement climate and a better quality of life according to one’s pension. Many French people today choose to expatriate, but it is still necessary to take into account the differences between countries, especially in terms of taxation. Some countries have, in fact, specific operations and it is essential to look into them before moving. Overview of this information to know.

By moving abroad for your retirement, you must carry out some checks before starting your steps. It is therefore essential to know whether your host country has a tax treaty with France. Depending on your situation, you will therefore be taxable or not, in France, in your new country, or in both. Different criteria are recognized such as the country in question, your nationality and the nature of your pensions. Signing a tax treaty means that your income is not taxed in both countries. Morocco, Portugal, Italy, Indonesia, Spain, Cyprus, Thailand, Bali and the Philippines are all affected by this convention.

Three levels of taxation exist on the part of your pension taxed in France when you have to pay your income tax in France and in your new country. As a tax resident abroad, you will be exempt from CSG and CRDS, but your pension will remain subject to health insurance contributions. If you move to a country that has not signed a tax treaty with France, you may be taxed in both countries. It is therefore essential to find out about the reception conditions in order to best manage this impact on your level of taxation. Discover, in our slideshow, the countries that do not have a tax treaty with France.