resim 95
resim 95

Negotiations resumed on Wednesday between Transat and the union of its 2,100 flight attendants, after they rejected by 98% the agreement in principle reached on December 14.

The carrier added an information section to its website in which it states, among other things, that “this is not a strike notice” and that “[its] operations continue as planned.”

Furthermore, in the event of “formal notice of strike filed by the union and [the] cancellation of certain flights”, Air Transat affirms that it will fulfill “all its obligations”1. According to the carrier, “this would include offering a new ticket on an upcoming available flight within 48 hours of the original departure time or refunding any unused portion of the trip.”

As for Transat group package travelers “who are at their destination and whose stay could be extended” in the event of a strike, the tour operator undertakes to “take charge of and cover any additional costs”.