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Purchasing power has become the number one concern of French households. According to a poll in the Journal du Dimanche published on September 3, nearly one in two people say they worry about it more than energy shortages, health or environmental issues.

At the supermarket, at the gas pump and even at home, the cost of living is becoming harder and harder to bear and assume. So you may be one of those forced to change their lifestyle to maintain a stable financial situation… Or to suffer less from precariousness.

As MoneyVox explains, monitoring your living expenses is more essential than ever to control your expenses. Here is how to calculate it according to the magazine specializing in financial matters: total resources – total fixed charges – total credits.

Here are the elements to take into account in your calculation:

Once this calculation is done, the remaining amount is what you have to feed, clothe, entertain, save… How do you know if this sum is enough?

The Crésus Federation has estimated average thresholds for entry into pre-indebtedness, bad debt or over-indebtedness. Here they are :

Note: “in a household, the first adult counts for 1 consumption unit, other people aged 14 and over for 0.5, and those under 14 for 0.3”, specifies MoneyVox.

If you are in a pre-debt situation, or if you think that your living allowance could still be optimized, discover the advice of Maëva, creator of the Mon Budget Bento (@monbudgetbento) page on Instagram.

Maëva created the Mon Budget Bento Instagram page two years ago. She gives advice and tips to better manage money on a daily basis and improve the financial education of her subscribers. For her, do not hesitate to include food shopping in the famous “rest to live”.

“There are all the charges but there is also what is compulsory, such as shopping. If you have a living allowance of 300 euros and you spend around 200 euros on shopping per month, there is no more only 100 euros for the ‘extras’, which is very, very little”, she declares to Planet.

Here are some tips from the specialist to improve your lifestyle and redefine your budget:

Do you have little room for maneuver to save? Check out our article on ways to save money without touching your living expenses.