resim 8
resim 8

A frontline government. In recent weeks, Emmanuel Macron has taken a step back on domestic political matters and seems to be focusing on France’s diplomacy. Pension reform, strike, inflation, anger of general practitioners… There is no shortage of hot topics in France and ministers are on all fronts.

For three weeks and the end of negotiations on pension reform, the rumor of a ministerial reshuffle has been hovering over the various ministries. In February, Europe 1 already estimated that the days of some “were numbered”, the entourage of Emmanuel Macron explaining that he “will want to open a new political cycle after the vote on pensions which will take place no later than 26 March”. A relative then specified that the president “wants to conclude his first five-year term, which he could not do because of the war in Ukraine, while his second term has not really started”.

A new sequence which should pass, without surprise, by a reorganization. According to radio information in February, the Head of State has already requested a list of names from some of his relatives, perhaps to facilitate his choice when the time comes? Elisabeth Borne would not be threatened, but her position would still be subject to the adoption of the pension reform.

According to Le Parisien, five ministers are particularly in danger and a reshuffle is “inevitable” before the summer. However, at the time of the choice, Emmanuel Macron could have trouble deciding, one of his relatives explaining that he “always has a trembling hand on human choices”. In the meantime, these five ministers are on the hot seat and they could be the first to pack their boxes in the event of a reshuffle.