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Some do not hesitate to speak of a “poisoned” gift. By charging the Prime Minister to lead the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron did not simplify the life of Elisabeth Borne, observes Le Point on its site. The head of government, who must also take into account the head of state’s desire for velocity, has decided to consult. This is why she receives, this Wednesday, September 21, the leaders of the macronist groups in the National Assembly as well as in the Senate, indicates Europe 1 on its site. They must discuss several projects, but in particular and essentially the postponement of the legal retirement age. This, in accordance with the will of the tenant of the Elysée, must gradually be raised to 64 or 65 years.

This kind of measure, regardless of its popularity or its supposed necessity, is clearly likely to push French women and men to hasten their retirement. A common event, as Planet was able to explain, with the approach of a reform.

“If there is a reform, which Emmanuel Macron seems to have planned, it will be gradual. We must not believe that everything will change overnight”, recalls the liberal economist Philippe Crevel from the outset, who spoke about this in our columns, in May 2022. And he continued: “For those who are a few months away from retirement, there is no change planned. This is also true for all those who are still one or two years away from their departure”. “The others will be more or less impacted by the pension reform,” he adds.

Some might therefore feel tempted to buy quarters to leave earlier. A potentially profitable strategy… Provided you don’t fall into a few bad reflexes. Find five of them in our slideshow below.