In search of the great depth of the suspected two-year deployment of forces in the South of Spain began with the construction of a rescue tunnel. Since shortly after 15 o’clock the building, over the newspaper “La Vanguardia” and other media reported, citing the helpers on Saturday. You will need at least another 36 hours, up to Julen, said the spokesman of the rescue team, Ángel García Vidal, journalists on the scene of the incident in Totalán, approximately 15 kilometres North-East of the coastal city of Málaga. According to this calculation, the child could not be recovered until Monday morning.

Under the best of circumstances, you’ll have the Tunnel to be perpendicular to the disaster Bay, in 15 to 16 hours. Then two or three experienced miners to recover in a well 70 meters deep, and a first horizontal, about four feet long connection to the Bay. This needs to be done with picks and pneumatic hammers and because of the safety of the child with the utmost caution, said García Vidal. “We expect that at least a further 20 hours.” On Friday, it was said, they wanted to find Julen “before Monday”.

Hard rock delaying the Work

Because of the child since the 13th century. January is not a sign of life, dwindling hopes for a happy end of the drama. The Small is supposed to have fallen during a trip to his family in the hole that has a diameter of only 25 to 30 centimeters. When camera footage was discovered in the shaft at a depth of 70 meters, a bag of candy that Julen had. Loose earth are prevented, with the camera deeper.

After a few setbacks and changes in Strategy in the past few days, the helpers wanted on Friday actually, with the construction of the rescue tunnels begin. However, in the case of the Work on the levelling of the terrain and the drilling work to establish a platform to stabilise the drilling machine was also found on Friday and in the night of the Saturday always a very hard rock, which delayed the Work further.

“Julen has become the son of all of us”

“We continue to have the hope, Julen live mountains and to be able to bring the parents,” said García Vidal on Saturday. On Friday, he had said: “Julen has now become the son of all of us (helpers), we want to get him out of there.”

The rescuers think it is conceivable, not can the child, in a depth of 70 to 80 meters – slightly below where the man had been able to penetrate with the robot camera because of the clogged duct. The shaft according to official information, 107 meters deep. Julen could be overthrown, therefore, also further to the below, allowed the media quoted rescue workers. A ground-penetrating radar from Sweden.