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British woman Cassyanne Clark foregoes public education for her daughters. Instead of learning math and English, the girls spend their time dancing and cooking.

The British Cassyanne Clark has taken her daughters Bunny (9) and Bug (8) out of school. In a TikTok video, she explains that she does not agree with the school system, the teaching and the curriculum. For example, she doesn’t believe in sex education in schools. Instead of math lessons, children could use a calculator and expand their knowledge through books.

Clark, from Kent, Great Britain, takes a clear stance in her video: “I think school is like a prison.” A child sits in the classroom for eight hours a day, is not even allowed to use the toilet and only gets one hour of sunlight a day.

The mother of two is convinced that it is more important for children to learn life lessons and have fun. In order to ensure her daughters’ level of education, Clark relies on a private tutor and spends 400 to 500 pounds (around 466 to 583 euros) per month. The children also learn to cook from their own workbooks and from their grandmother, who is a former chef. The children spend the rest of the week gaining new experiences.

Clark believes it is crucial to learn to read, write and have good social skills. She says that means her children don’t have to spend so much time in school. “I think a child would learn more from the outside world than sitting in a classroom and learning things they will probably never need again,” The Sun quotes from the video.

Although Clark herself did not take GCSEs (comparable to secondary school leaving certificates in Germany) because she was expelled from school, her daughters have the option of doing them. She emphasizes that despite the lack of formal qualifications, she has successfully founded several companies.

“I think it makes more sense to teach a child to get on a plane and travel the world than to have them sit in a classroom,” she continues to be quoted by the Daily Mail.

Clark’s decision sparked a heated debate on the video platform TikTok, where she shared her views. The video has garnered widespread attention with more than 434,000 views. Most commentators share Cassyanne Clark’s view. “I can’t trust teachers or other children.”, “It’s definitely much better for the child’s mental health” and “I completely agree with you!” are just three of the many positive voices.

It is undisputed that good school education is important for later professional life. To make everyday school life easier for children, there are valuable routines, such as enough sleep and fixed rituals.

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