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It’s hard to ignore inflation. This one, in addition to making the front page of all or part of the press in France and Navarre, also makes the pockets of French women and men. It weighs more and more heavily on household budgets, which have to deal with successive and significant price increases, as Planet has been able to explain on more than one occasion. In August alone, its growth in one year (i.e. compared to August 2021) was estimated at 5.9% by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee). For the month of July, these estimates exceeded 6% and broke, de facto, all the records known since 1958, indicates France Info. Very concretely, this translates into an increase in the prices of food, but also of energy such as gas, fuel or electricity.

But not everyone is affected in the same way by inflation. Some households are considerably less exposed, due to their consumption habits, their place of residence or, of course, their level of capital. Inflation, recalls the newspaper L’Humanité on its site, is much more complex to understand when you are poor.

Others, on the other hand, have something to do quite admirably, since they could still benefit from financial loans… and even earn a little money thanks to the rise in prices observed today. This is the case of (future) landowners who can still afford to borrow, indicates Mieux Vivre-Votre Argent on its site. For these profiles, it is not only possible to borrow in times of inflation: it is even more than recommended. Explanations.

“In times of inflation, it is interesting to buy, because the monthly payment of a loan remains fixed throughout the duration of the loan, so its relative weight decreases compared to other expenses”, explains the broker from the start. in Vousfinancer credit, interviewed by our colleagues.

Only, here it is: this tempting postulate only remains true in certain very specific contexts. To be able to benefit from a reduction in the weight of the loan, compared to the rest of the budget, it is necessary to ensure that its income increases “ideally as much as inflation”, which, it is clear, is not as common as it might initially seem.

That being said, other elements must be taken into account, underlines the specialized newspaper: even when income (from work) does not progress, others can continue to increase…

Buying to rent is a well-known savings strategy for French women and men. It allows, for the most part, to circumvent inflation since most real estate products regularly benefit from fairly high returns. As financial intelligence coach Nathalie Cariou explained for Planet, this is one of the few alternatives that still allow you to secure your savings.

This is not very surprising, emphasizes Better Living-Your Money on its site: inflation is also generally accompanied by a rise in rents (even though this is capped at 3.5% by the government). It will continue after the crisis, which clearly means that the credit will be better reimbursed by the rent than was the case before.