Reader questions Is short time working even on holidays is possible
Reader questions Is short time working even on holidays is possible

Reader questions – Is short-time working even on holidays is possible?How many applications must I can for the job search prove? We have to pay the attendance allowance back? Answers from our expert.Andrea Fischer0 comment stacks and stacks of applications for short-time working at the office for work.Photo: Raphael MoserIst short-time working even on holidays is possible?

in our company there is since a few weeks short-time working. All the work only to 80 percent. This means that for the employees a working day per week is true. Our employer has now given the short working day, among other things, on statutory holidays such as whit Monday. Is that correct?

no. Short-time working implies that the work fails in whole or in part. On public holidays, the work is but anyway: Even without short-time work, they should work then. Holidays are, therefore, in the case of short-time work are not eligible. In a week with a holiday, short-time work must fall on the remaining working time.

How many applications I must for the job search prove?

I Recently lost my part time job. Since I am in a development is limited to my capacity currently. When I asked my RAV Advisor, how many applications do I have to be able to monthly show for a part-time job, he moved me. Can you help me?

to give A clear answer at the Moment is actually difficult, because the required number of applications depends to a substantial part of the situation on the labour market. And this has worsened in recent weeks as a result of the economic Lockdown distinctive. Also, it is currently not foreseeable, how it goes in the coming months and when the job market is recovering. This could explain why your RAV adviser was in the position to give you an accurate number for the required applications.

it is Clear that Even in normal times, this number varies from Region to Region. This, in turn, has to do with the Differences in the labour market. As shall be demonstrated, for example, in the Canton of St. Gallen on a monthly basis at least 8 work efforts. In the Canton of Zurich with its large range of jobs, the RAVs require 10 to 12 applications per month. In addition, it is not enough to only apply to Places that correspond precisely to the own profile and the previous part-time basis.

of course, it is advisable, if you follow up with the RAV Advisor, once again, that he calls you an approximate number of applications. So, you can prevent of being accused in hindsight, they had attempted too little, and you, therefore, the daily unemployment allowance in full.

we have To pay the attendance allowance back?

Our mother lived the last years before her death in a nursing home. Since they needed a lot of care, she got a helplessness allowance. Must we pay this compensation out of the estate of the mother?

no. The helplessness allowance is a benefit for pensioners who are dependent in activities of daily Living, such as when getting Up, Sit or eat to help. The compensation is not dependent on income and assets and must not therefore be given back.

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