resim 755
resim 755

In France, the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS) recommends eating at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This recommendation corresponds to the quantity necessary to meet the body’s nutrient needs, as the latter cannot always be produced by the body. They are essential for proper assimilation, proper transformation and proper use of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.). But according to several doctors, another method would be just as effective as that recommended by the site.

With the aim of a balanced diet, it is therefore recommended to eat five fruits and vegetables a day, without specifying a ratio or a precise quantity. But according to dietetic research physician Dr. Duane Mellor, that doesn’t mean you have to eat either five fruits or five vegetables. In the columns of the Cosmopolitan, he explains that “the rule of five fruits and vegetables a day is an over-simplification” which must be updated, and that the ideal would be to respect the 3:2 method, i.e. three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit.

For what reasons ? Simply because there is more variety among vegetables, but also because they are healthier than fruits, which are foods high in sugar. This is also the reason why people with diabetes should avoid eating too much fruit. Of course, it’s all about moderation and choice: a bowl of fresh or frozen fruit will be healthier than a canned fruit salad with additives, for example. But if your goal is to lose weight, vegetables are more advisable, although fruits (like all other foods, for that matter), should not be demonized.

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