The CDU in Frankfurt has surrendered. Enervated, that it is the local SPD manage to score points with the social favors of the voters, while you are punished again and again for the role as a warning voice to sound economies, close to mayor Uwe Becker and party leader Jan Schneider now of What-costs-the-world-force, to mayor Peter Feldmann.

a whopping ten million euros, the black-red-green coalition favors loose, their usefulness is not obvious. The taxpayer will in the future help to Finance even middle class families to the Zoo and visit to the swimming pool. What is sold as a contribution to social cohesion, is in fact a waste of public funds. The coalition is in breach of the in view of the current budgetary situation of urgent need for spending discipline.

The court of auditors could know from the recent case of Frankfurt’s generosity, nothing at all, as he referred yesterday to the municipal Finance position and the largest Hessian city, is a devastating testimony exhibited. However, the criticism of the court of auditors is not true in all respects. Given the strong population growth in Frankfurt will not get around to massive investments in infrastructure that are connected, given the state of the Construction industry with significant price increases. In addition, additional staff is needed; what are the consequences of the defect, the conditions in the foreigners registration office study. They do not lead to the urgently needed qualified workers to come to the train.