(Quebec) Expected to enter the race for leadership of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), the president and CEO of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec (FCCQ), Charles Milliard, will leave his position as CEO on the 1st next July with the intention of “devoting himself to other professional projects.”

The news was announced Tuesday in a press release. “A recruitment process will be launched shortly to fill the position of President and CEO and Mr. Milliard has accepted the Board of Directors’ request to provide consulting services related to the administrative transfer of files until August 31,” it said.

At the end of May, Charles Milliard affirmed that he could not “remain insensitive to the numerous calls and expressions of appreciation that I receive for running for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Quebec.” La Presse then revealed that more than 80 young liberals had created an alliance to encourage him to enter the race, seeing in the 44-year-old man the ideal candidate to relaunch the party, having bases both in regions and in Montreal.

“The interest shown by a large contingent of the party’s Youth Commission, where I myself was an activist, particularly touches me greatly. Thus, I wish to take the time for reflection that is necessary to consider the continuation of my career and I am taking advantage of this opportunity to do so. The summer period is conducive in this sense and I undertake to clarify my intentions quickly within this period,” he wrote on his LinkedIn profile.

In addition to Mr. Milliard, the current MP for the Marguerite-Bourgeoys riding in Montreal, Frédéric Beauchemin, does not hide his interest in the race and should formalize his candidacy in the coming months. The mayor of Victoriaville, Antoine Tardif, is also involved. In the coming weeks, former Montreal mayor Denis Coderre is also expected to confirm his candidacy.

To date, no women have indicated an interest in entering the race. The next Liberal leader will be elected by members on June 14, 2025 in Quebec. To win, a candidate must obtain at least 50% of the votes 1. According to the formula adopted by the party, the votes of young people (under 26) count for a third of the result.