resim 45
resim 45

Finally ! According to the latest INSEE statistics, the month of August would have seen the inflation rate fall slightly, to settle at 5.8% against 6.1% in July indicates Le Figaro.

This drop would be “linked to the slowdown in energy prices” explains the institute. However, experts are skeptical. Patrick Artus, head of economics at Natixis, interviewed by the media mentioned above, comments: “It is probably transitory. I am careful not to speak of the beginning of a phase of disinflation”.

So, for the French to hold on, aid has been provided for several months now by the government.

The State is not the only entity capable of improving the purchasing power of French households. Large retail brands also attach importance to it.

To find out which provide the most help, Planet has produced the slideshow below which ranks them, according to an infographic resulting from an OpinionWay survey. A score out of 10 is given by the people questioned…