resim 488
resim 488

Exceptional back-to-school bonus, annual allowance… Faced with inflation, the government is supporting French households. As part of the purchasing power law of August 16, 2022, an exceptional back-to-school bonus worth 100 euros, which is aimed at the most modest citizens, will thus be paid in the coming days. Premium to which are added 50 euros per dependent child, reports Capital.

On the other hand, according to Le Monde, households with at least one dependent child are beneficiaries of the back-to-school allowance. Parents of students will therefore be able to receive this aid of between 392.05 euros and 428.02 euros, depending on the age of their offspring.

And that’s not all, according to TF1. Since last year, new aid can be added to round off the end of September. The Ministry of Sports thus explains that, in order to “promote the registration of 6.7 million children and young adults in a sports club”, a deduction of 50 euros to finance part of the registration in a sports association has was created: the Pass’Sport.

Originally, it was reserved for young people aged 6 to 17 whose families received the back-to-school allowance and 6-19 year olds receiving the education allowance for disabled children. People aged 16-30 benefiting from the allowance for disabled adults were also affected.

From now on, this year, it is also students under the age of 28 who have access to it, provided that they hold a scholarship based on social criteria in higher education.

This aid, which can be combined with the others, can nevertheless be used only once and before the end of 2022…