resim 414
resim 414

“100 products blocked for 100 days”. This is the name given to the new operation aimed at protecting the purchasing power of the French initiated by the retail giant Carrefour.

Since Monday August 22, the price of 100 everyday products has now been blocked in all of the brand’s stores until November 30. This initiative is part of the anti-inflation challenge launched at the beginning of June by Carrefour. The retail chain notably offered 30 essential products for less than 30 euros throughout the month of July.

This new price freeze measure concerns 100 Carrefour brand products, whether food or not. Thus, cans, drinks, fresh products or groceries will be concerned, as well as those of hygiene, clothing or small appliances, specifies Capital.

In addition, Carrefour has also blocked the prices of flagship back-to-school products such as colored pencils, notebooks and glue sticks. To support the portfolio of parents, the brand also offers the “solidarity return” operation thanks to which it is possible to obtain a voucher for 10 euros by giving an old school bag.

The “100 products blocked for 100 days” initiative complements those already underway. For example, the “tight prices” operation is still relevant. It concerns 200 national brand products on which Carrefour undertakes to “reduce its margins so as to pass on price increases as little as possible, if at all”.