The nudges from the government multiply in the face of soaring prices: generalized inflation, energy, fuel… everything goes. Since 2021, the French have been finding it increasingly difficult to resist rising prices. The war in Ukraine and strikes in the energy sector are not helping, and many are struggling to make ends meet.

At the end of 2021, the government put in place a tariff shield for energy prices. Tariff shield of currently 15%, which is being extended until the beginning of next year. Faced with the weak improvement in the purchasing power of the French, especially that of the poorest, a law called “for the preservation of purchasing power” was adopted last summer. This law has given rise to the creation of new aid, as well as the revaluation of pre-existing devices, according to Capital.

Emmanuel Macron declared this Wednesday, October 26 on the France 2 set that he did not want to index wages to inflation. According to him, this would amount to maintaining the rise in prices. At the very least, he called on companies to introduce employee dividends: a proportional increase in employee salaries when there is an increase in shareholder dividends. An incentive that remains what it is: a simple invitation, which in no way guarantees the implementation of such measures.

The President of the Republic justified his strategy in the face of the drastic drop in the standard of living of the French: a plethora of tailor-made aid. The objective is to make up for what is strictly necessary, filling the gaps where they are. This is how we are witnessing the deployment of various energy checks or rebates at the gas pump in particular.

Find below the 9 aids to which you are potentially already entitled…