Unfortunately, scammers are still rampant across France. By May 2022, scam complaint filings had increased by almost 7%. These figures are listed by the Ministerial Statistical Service for Homeland Security, or SSMSI, as reported by our colleagues from Ouest France. The general trend is even towards increasing the volume of scams per se, and not just the number of reports. Indeed, 2022 has seen a far greater number of scams than the pre-pandemic and lockdown era.

However, a very small proportion of victims of scams go so far as to file a complaint. The reason ? First of all, many scams will not lose you astronomical sums of money all at once. As upsetting as it may be to be cheated out of a hundred euros, this sum unfortunately does not represent much for many French people. Going to the police station and filing a complaint is not necessarily an easy procedure and can be very time-consuming.

Indeed, according to INSEE figures, only 25% of victims of scams go to the police station to file a complaint following the incident. In an attempt to collectively mitigate the devastation caused by scammers, it is important to report the scams that we perceive or of which we become the victim. To do this, you must go to the signal-spam.fr site, from which you can enter the number that sent you a fraudulent text message, or the email address that contacted you under a false identity.

In order not to find yourself in this unfortunate situation, find below the 6 scams you should be wary of right now.