Published some amazing videos of the man in the Moon enhanced by artificial intelligence
Published some amazing videos of the man in the Moon enhanced by artificial intelligence

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The NASA he has worked hard on the restoration of the footage shot in the Moon , since a lot of it can not be seen with sufficient quality. But, even so, much of the original material was in bad conditions. However, the new technologies have made it possible now to revive sharp, for example, the first step on the Moon Neil Armstrong or the landing of the Apollo 15 on our satellite. A few images that allow us to re-enjoy those moments with a quality never seen before.

A specialist in restoration of photographs and films, calling DutchSteamMachine, has worked with a system of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the film original recordings of the Apollo program, creating video clips and images amazingly clear and vivid. “I really wanted to provide an experience on this old material that had not been seen before,” says the artist, to Universe Today.

So, DutchSteamMachine is the architect of that can be seen with all luxury of details of the voyages of lunar Apollo 16, with astronauts Charlie Duke and John Young , where the images that originally were made with 12 frames per second (FPS) has been increased to 60 FPS:

Or, for example, the clear view of the surface of the Moon in this improved view of the landing site of Apollo 15 at Hadley Rille:

of course, the iconic images of the video of Neil Armstrong putting the first foot on the Moon have also been restored:

The AI that uses DutchSteamMachine is called Profund-Aware, video frame INterpolation, or DAIN, for short. This AI is open source, free and is developing and improving constantly. The motion interpolation or the interpolation of frames with motion compensation is a form of video processing in the generated animation frames between existing ones, in an attempt to make the video more fluid, to compensate, for example, the blur.

“people have used the same programs of artificial intelligence to relive old recordings of films of the first decade of the 1900s, high definition and color,” he says. “This technique was a great opportunity for applying it in this type of footage”. But not anyone can do it at home: to do this you will need a powerful computer that is available all over the world. DutchSteamMachine explains that a video of only 5 minutes may take between 6 and 20 hours to complete. But the results speak for themselves.