You have to wait until you are at the end of your career to benefit from progressive retirement. During this period, you receive the salary corresponding to your part-time activity and part of your basic and supplementary pension.

Good news, you continue to contribute to retirement during this period. And when you retire, it will be recalculated based on that part-time period.

To qualify, you must be at least 60 years old, have a pension insurance period of at least 150 quarters and your working time must be between 40% and 80% of full-time working time.

There is no age limit for joining the progressive retirement scheme, it can be put in place until the employee definitively liquidates his rights. After each year, you must provide proof of your part-time or reduced-time working time.

Progressive retirement is calculated on the basis of your rights at the time of the request. It is calculated according to the same rules as a progressive retirement according to the number of your quarters of pension insurance and your salary during the 25 best years.

Its amount is calculated between the difference between 100% and your part-time and reduced working hours. For example, a part-time or reduced time of 65% entitles you to 35% of your provisional withdrawal.

If you change your working time, within the limits of 40% and 80%, you must notify Carsat. But in all cases, the amount of your progressive retirement remains unchanged for one year from your date of departure for progressive retirement.

In the case of a change of activity, it is necessary to resume a part-time or reduced activity of between 40% and 80%. All you have to do is report your change of activity to Carsat.

A resumption of your full-time activity is also possible, your progressive retirement will then be canceled and you will no longer be able to benefit from it.

When you apply for permanent retirement, your pension is recalculated taking into account the additional rights acquired during your period of part-time or reduced activity.

Contributions paid after gradual retirement are taken into account and the normal retirement calculation rules are then calculated. In all cases, the amount of your pension cannot be less than the amount that served as the basis for calculating progressive retirement.