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Boredom, reduced prospects for development, low recruitment… Are you no longer satisfied with your job? It might then be time to consider a professional retraining. “Yes, but in which sector?”, some people will automatically ask themselves. “What are the promising professions today that are particularly sought after by recruiters and how to train for them?”, will ask others. As Delphine Fifer, consultant in skills assessment and expert therapist in suffering at work, recently told us, two essential steps must be respected before starting.

To change paths serenely, it is indeed necessary to carry out a preliminary skills assessment, with the help of a professional. This will allow you first of all to take stock of your motivations as well as your skills.

Then comes the choice of training to follow to achieve your goal. “Beyond the prerequisites, you have to ask yourself whether or not the training will take place face-to-face? If the targeted training is only available in e-learning? If it gives rise to a diploma, a certification? It is also necessary to find out about the duration of the training that the person wishes to carry out, but also about its start date. Finally, it is necessary to find out about the possible financing. And this, that this can be financed via the Personal Training Account (CPF), or through other devices”.

It is obviously also necessary to define the field of training by taking care to study the market well upstream. Would you rather turn to a traditional profession, a passion or emerging profession? Still little known to the general public, certain professions in search of labor nevertheless promise a bright future. Here are 5 of them in our slideshow below, taken from the 2022-2023 guide of the Youth Information and Documentation Center (CIDJ) on the sectors that are recruiting, published last February.