Procegraves Pastornbsp lrsquolawyer for the main batteryeacute findscool t the culpabiliteacute of his client to one of two murders
Procegraves Pastornbsp lrsquolawyer for the main batteryeacute findscool t the culpabiliteacute of his client to one of two murders

Wojciech Janowski is “guilty of having ordered the assassination” of his mother-in-law, the billionaire monégasque Hélène Pastor, but not his driver, said on Tuesday the 16th of October before the foundation of the Bouches-du-Rhône, his lawyer, Eric Dupond-Moretti, taking the opposite view of his client, denied since the beginning of his trial.

Read also :   Hélène Pastor : chronic in 16 episodes of a trial that defies rationality

” These words that you were expecting him to come out of my mouth. These words, he tried to express them, he wanted to speak, but was not believed, it has been opposed throughout the procedure, a contempt, a permanent, a contempt of class “, launched Me Dupond-Moretti, ensuring that his client, if he was guilty, had acted only in the interest of Sylvia Ratkowski.

“lousy service”

” he has understood that It was the crappy service “, has also launched the lawyer, during his oral argument, criticizing once again the police investigation and the police custody.

If it is conceded that Wojciech Janowski had commissioned the assassination of Hélène Pastor, Me Dupond-Moretti has, however, asked the jurors to acquit for the murder of his driver, ensuring that he had not asked, contrary to what his coach and athlete. According to the latter, loaded by Janowski to organize the assassination, the business man Polish had been asked to kill the driver of the billionaire and steal her purse to make it look like a heinous crime.

Friday, the general counsel Peter Cortes had called on the jurors to “checkmate” to Wojciech Janowski, requesting the maximum sentence, up to life imprisonment with twenty-two years of security against it.

Ten people all appear from mid-September before the assize court of the Bouches-du-Rhône for their alleged involvement in the double murder of Hélène Pastor and her chauffeur, in may 2014 in Nice.

Before retracting, Wojciech Janowski had confessed to the murder in police custody, ensuring have wanted to protect his companion, and psychologically abused by his mother according to him. The prosecution, which has required Friday, life, advanced, about, mobile financial, and argued that he wanted to divert to its own benefit, to bail out its companies, the share of legacy of Sylvia Ratkowski, the daughter of the victim.

also Read :   Wojciech Janowski to the cruel light of the trial Pastor