(Montreal) McGill University commits to “examining” its investments in weapons manufacturing companies if pro-Palestinian demonstrators agree to leave its grounds.

An “enhanced proposal” has been submitted to the occupants of the encampment set up for six weeks on the downtown campus, the university announced Tuesday.

At its core, it commits to “reviewing” its investments in “entities deriving the majority of their direct revenue from the production of military weapons, without regard to where they operate. »

The proposal would thus partly respond to the protesters’ demand to sever all financial ties with Israel.

Indeed, the latter have identified around ten companies linked to the Israeli regime in which the university holds shares, including the arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

At the end of May, the university said it was ready to “study the possibility of disinvesting” in companies “whose revenues come largely from the arms market.”

An insufficient commitment in the eyes of the demonstrators, who demanded a concrete timetable.

In its new offer, the university intends to “make a recommendation on this subject to the Board of Governors of McGill University, following a precise and accelerated timetable.”

In addition, she promises to “give greater room to Palestinian institutions and intellectuals”, in particular by supporting students “displaced due to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. »

It had already refused to sever its ties with Israeli universities, as protesters demanded.

“Similar proposals have led to agreements and the voluntary dismantling of camps erected on the grounds of other universities,” underlined the university, which undertook not to impose “any disciplinary sanctions” on the demonstrators, provided that they have left the camp by June 15.

To facilitate negotiations, she suggests appointing an objective third party, who would act as mediator.

“We urge members of the McGill community participating in the encampment to agree to discuss this new proposal in good faith, with the assistance of a qualified, neutral mediator, in hopes of reaching a peaceful solution and satisfactory for both parties,” she said.