Prior to the presidency of the EU Juncker doubts as to Romania expresses
Prior to the presidency of the EU Juncker doubts as to Romania expresses

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, has expressed before the beginning of the Romanian presidency of the EU in doubt as to the leader of the government in Bucharest. Although the country was prepared for “technically good” on the six-month presidency, said Juncker of the “world on Sunday”. “I believe, however, that the government has understood, in Bucharest, in the full extent of what it means to preside over the EU countries,” it said.

For a prudent Act will also require the willingness to listen to others, as well as the firm will own concerns aside. “Because I have some doubts.”

in Addition, the internal state is currently so that the country could not occur as a “compact unit” in Europe. “The home needs a United Front to promote during the presidency of the Council of the unity of Europe.”