Preview Koller Between the mountain and the Bluff
Preview Koller Between the mountain and the Bluff

This year, the start of the December auctions at Koller in Zurich, with the event to the Swiss art. The house offers on the 7. December 86 Lots with a total maintenance of 2.8 million Swiss francs. The start of a 23-by-29 inches, large watercolor painting of Albert Anker: The “farmer’s kitchen” is left, the sheet market is fresh for the 6,000 to 9,000 francs to call. The price of the offer is led with a color-rich sunset in the evening sky by Félix Vallotton. The 1911 resulting oil Painting “Coucher de soleil jaune et vert” estimates of 700,000 to 1.2 million Swiss francs – and the only million-Los of the offer. Adolf Dietrich’s “evening mood at the Untersee lake,” was built fifteen years later (estimate 200,000 to 300,000 Swiss francs). Amazingly, the formal and colour Similarity between the two landscape images is not, although the two artists knew each other. How Vallotton, the sunset in bright Yellow and soft purple, also reduces Dietrich, his color palette-sun yellow, night blue, and an intense Rose for the veil of clouds. Ferdinand Hodler is represented with three works in the auction, including a small, beautifully barren “landscape with willow trees” of 1880 (150.000/250.000 francs), which the painter had made after his Spain trip. Two idyllic mountain panoramas from Gottardo Segantini – “Sera d’inverno” from 1919, a snowy landscape with view of Maloja to the mountains Piz Surlej and Corvatsch – and of Giovanni Giacometti – “the bregaglia valley with views of the Sciora group” of 1931. Both fresh market oil Paintings are estimated to 120.000 to 180.000 francs.


The catalog title to Koller’s auction of impressionist and Classic Modern, the also on 7. December, decorated by Emil Nolde oil Painting “double image” of 1918 with an expectation of 600,000 to 900,000 francs, the Toplos of the event: the bold colors and distinctive language of form, held in a double portrait reflects Nolde’s interest in the psychological Image of some of the constellations. The Shown are not identified, but were selected from the painter’s image is very close and compositionally due to the different profile views of each other. 25 times 38 cm small colored pencil drawing, “Night landscape” by Paul Klee from the year 1937 with 80,000-120,000 Swiss francs at the Start. Four years earlier, Otto Dix painted his painting “winter’s day in Randegg” (Taxe 70.000/100.000 Swiss francs): It originated in a time, in the Dix withdrew from big-city life and landscape painting turned to that because of his art by the national socialists as “degenerate” branded and had been banned. Also eye the to 1917/18 resulting, delicate work out of paper “Femme” by Amadeo Modigliani (30.000/50.000 Swiss francs) and is the only sculpture of the offer: Antoniucci Voltis 80-centimeter-long Bronze “Nu allongé, Chiffonnette” was created in 1967 and has been located since 1988 in private possession (edition of 6; 20.000/30.000 Swiss francs). The 55 Lots are to implement 1.5 million Swiss francs.

A day later, on may 8. December, auctioned enjoyed Koller his time. Victor Vasarely, two images come under the Hammer, which are exemplary for the work of Op-Art-founder: The rectangular acrylic paintings in the Portrait “Tridium” (24.000/28.000 francs) is subject to a mesh of geometric shapes in rich and vibrant colors, due to the active dynamics, and the causes at the same time, an optical illusion of movement. The second offered acrylic image, the gray-and-white lattice-work “KASS-II” (60.000/8.000 Swiss francs), was created geometric black-and-1973, and the eye of the beholder the impression of a fluctuating movement. Pierre Soulages worked on his untitled Gouache on paper on canvas, in the same year: Here it is achieved by means of Superposition an almost limitless depth, the black and blue color bands seem to be up to the Infinite to continue. The 75-54 inches great work is enjoyed with an estimate of 80,000 to 140,000 francs, the Centerless the time of the auction. And one of Andy Warhol’s “Mickey mouse”-color silk screen print with diamond dust to bring 70,000 to 90,000 Swiss francs (edition of 200). The total maintenance for the 118 Lots located at 750,000 francs.