Women place less and less trust in employers as their careers progress, reports the latest edition of Gestion HEC Montréal magazine. Research by American psychologist Ashley Reichheld shows that some measures that appear positive have the opposite effect. Like long parental leaves, because they are taken mainly by women and by being absent, they ultimately seem less committed to their work than their colleagues. Female workers also have lower performance scores because they are entrusted with lower-paying clients and contracts. Émilie Genin, from the School of Industrial Relations at the University of Montreal, tells journalist Jean-François Venne that part of the failure of equity and inclusion programs comes from the fact that some employers adhere to them because they are forced to do so because of the law or to please their organization’s customers.

Québec International, the Québec City Convention Center and Québec Destination Business have decided to organize for a second year this event which brings together French-speaking entrepreneurs from all over the world. From June 12 to 14, 2024, participants will be able to network and meet business people and attend around fifteen conferences and panels at the Quebec City Convention Center. Guests from Africa, Europe and here will discuss takeovers, labor mobility, innovative financing for the energy transition and the decarbonization of buildings, mentoring for professional integration youth, preparation for business transfers as well as strategic alliances of women around the world.

Creating an eye-catching resume is not an easy feat, especially when recruiters choose a resume one day and may reject the same one the next. Online CV building platform Kickresume tasked six recruiters with reviewing 6,000 CVs with the aim of placing candidates into available roles. However, she did not tell the recruiters that they would see the same CV twice. Kickresume found that there was only a 40% chance that recruiters would choose the same candidate twice, even after deeming them suitable for the role the first time. “That basically means they were halfway random. This shows how unpredictable the process can be,” Peter Duris, co-founder and CEO of Kickresume, told EBN magazine. To get the best candidates, organizations need recruiters on the same wavelength, EBN analysis. Professional qualifications for each unfilled role must be clear and realistic. A recruiter should be able to determine what factors caused them to toss a resume into the “yes” pile.

The latest statements from Zoom CEO and founder Eric Yuan have worried several business leaders, reports CIO magazine. The Chinese American businessman says that in future Zoom meetings with his employees, he will be replaced by a digital avatar. The billionaire says that his digital twin will also be able to make decisions by modifying its parameters beforehand so that it has better negotiation skills. Eric Yuan even goes so far as to say that people will have difficulty recognizing that they are avatars. CIO Magazine has collected feedback from several concerned CEOs who argue that organizations should take precautions to limit the decision-making capabilities of these digital twins, such as Bob Rogers, CEO of Oii.ai, an optimization company supply chain. “Crucial decisions that require emotional intelligence, ethical judgment and nuanced understanding must remain in human hands,” argues Lars Nyman, CMO of CUDOCompute.com, while Maxim Ivanov, CEO of aimrosoft, believes that ‘no virtual avatar can know what’s in his head, no matter how well trained he is. Aaron Painter, CEO of Nametag and former general manager of Microsoft China, believes that hyperfaking undermines people’s trust in online interactions.

Forbes magazine identified America’s five best employers for new graduates in 2024. UCLA Health came in fifth because it offers internships while in school and allows young people to work in different departments to discover what they really like. In fourth place: Dutch bros coffee. The organization regularly raises funds for different causes. American Express ranks third because young people value its continuing education programs and the organization encourages collaboration between generations. In-n-out Burger gets second place for its salaries, paid vacation and the fact that it encourages progression in the family organization. Delta Air Lines tops the list for its reputation, diversity and inclusion practices, career development programs and, of course, employee discounts on airline tickets.