Much remains at the world economic forum over the years, but every now and again something will change. Anyone who interviewed in the past years, representatives of the international banking houses according to their evaluation of the German Bank, ‘ve often heard Expressions of compassion, or the brute, and later by the analysts in connection with the Bank used the English expression: “beyond repair”. Freely translated: The Bank is no longer able to repair, as-is, to.

Gerald Braunberger

editor in the business, responsible for the financial market.

F. A. Z.

heard this year, Expressions of pity and doubt. But there were now Expressions of the type: “the Christian can do it.” With the appointment of Christian Sewings to the Chairman of the Board, approximately three-quarters of a year of hopes for improvement of the situation, of course, connected with another crop. As “a medium-sized European Bank” describes a member of the Board of a competitor, the perspective of the German Bank, while another saw, especially the investment banking converted into stronger away from the capital market business to a more consistent alignment of the company’s financing.

of Course, have also spoken out on the speculation of a merger of Deutsche Bank with the Commerzbank in the world of international Finance. The assessments go there, as far apart as in Germany. There are advocates of such a project, which is known to be, predominantly with massive savings, so, as a kind of defensive merger, could justify. The annual Savings is estimated to be three to four billion euros. A merger with Commerzbank would be Davos, a plan is only the first step for Deutsche Bank, and then at the same height as a controlling merger with the Swiss Bank Credit Suisse.

merger operations have no economic sense

A marriage of Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse have been circling for many years a topic of discussion in the international Bank, because both banks were regarded as not strong enough for your ambitions. And since the stock market values of the goods for a long time similar, would have been the possibility of a “merger of equals”. Meanwhile, the stock market value of Deutsche Bank is so far below that of Credit Suisse, that the German institution would have to increase significantly, as an equal Partner.

But not everywhere in the international banking world would have seen a merger as a great opportunity. There are representatives of the Thesis that a Fusion would only be an Option for an emergency, if one of the two banks would be in serious trouble. Other voices believe that the merger operation had no economic sense, because both banks are weak.

perhaps The most interesting sentiment came from the Board of a large international financial group. There was a distinction between a political and an economic logic. If there were, in Germany, the need for a national Champion, the German firms abroad as a Partner would be available to you, give it a political justification, it said. Before you go in accordance with commercial Considerations, would the project less convincing – particularly if from a political consideration of the numerous redundancies related to cost synergies would not be lifted.