Pope Francis man has become greedy and insatiable
Pope Francis man has become greedy and insatiable

Pope Francis has criticised on Christmas eve gluttony, and to be called charity. “When we look at the crib, we understand that what nourishes life, is not the possession of, but love; not greed, but love; not the Abundance, of the you to Look, but the simplicity, keep”, said the Catholics in the head on Monday night at the Christmas mass before Thousands of faithful in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

“The man is greedy and insatiable,” said the Pope. “The Have is not the Accumulation of things seems to be for many the meaning of life.” The Pontiff lamented the resulting inequalities between people. “An insatiable greed by the history of mankind draws to the paradoxes of today that a few of the feasting sumptuously, and so many have no bread to live on.”

The Christ-child, born in a stable and laid in a manger, filling it with a different model of life: “do Not devour, and hamsters, but to give and to share.” He appealed to the faithful to ask themselves: “can I dispense with many unnecessary trivialities, to choose a simpler life?”

for the poor

Pope Francis calls again and again to humility or criticism of the consumer society. From the point of view of many, embodies the Argentines themselves, the simplicity, which he calls, abdicated as Pope on some privileges. He is also for his commitment for the poor and excluded known. So he invites you again and again, the homeless or refugees in the Vatican, or take prisoners. In the past year, the Argentine had called on Christmas eve to compassion for the Persecuted.