Political scientist Patzelt Between the fronts
Political scientist Patzelt Between the fronts

at the beginning of January has been known to the Saxon CDU, that she could win the Dresden political scientist Werner Patzelt as Vice-Chairman for the Commission, to draw up the party programme for the state election in September. Since then, is kindled by the personnel of a controversy, which culminated at the weekend in the false claims of some media, the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) separated from Patzelt.

Stefan Locke

a correspondent for Saxony and Thuringia, based in Dresden.

F. A. Z.

The University itself was on Monday, however, under a Heading, which showed how the cloth between the TU and your well-known Professor cut. “Public opinion on the accusations of Prof. Patzelt with respect to a non-approved senior professorship” was a headline in the University and clarified in it, first of all, the 65-year-old political scientist, is at the end of March regularly in retirement. Actually, the German officials, separating law University and Professor.

senior Professor Patzelt

Patzelt, in turn, had put in the competent faculty of an application for a research-senior Professor, a possibility for nearly ten years and is the University, according to “uncoated, and usually not with resources”. However, such a professorship, has the advantage that with the University in the back much easier to research funds and third party funds raising, as well as some infrastructure – space, Computer, Internet connection available.

the awarding of the title of senior Professor, the rector decides in Dresden on the recommendation of the faculty, the needs to create about their relatives consent. The latter came about but, rather, the request was refused by the faculty Council and the Dean, who had endorsed Patzelts suggestion first.

For the University argued that Patzelt had mixed politics and science “in such a way that the reputation of the UNIVERSITY, and the faculty as a whole was harmed by this”. So did his private political Blog, on which he delivers a hard and very long political conflict with colleagues and opponents, initially at the address of the University and of the Institute’s holdings, as well as “inaccurate criticisms” of the rector Patzelt practiced, because of Patzelt-initiated and federally-funded scientific Institute was not realized.