Police prevented solidarity action at Juch Area
Police prevented solidarity action at Juch Area

Squatters resist police prevented “solidarity action” at Juch-ArealUm midnight runs from the Ultimatum to Leave the occupied Juch-areal in Zurich-Altstetten. The city police has cordoned off the grounds by noon, and way people.Thomas Zemp, Lorenzo Petrò4 Kommentare4Plakate hang at the entrance of the occupied Juch-site.Photo: Ennio Leanza/Keystone

24 p.m. today, Friday night’s the Ultimatum the city of Zurich to the eviction of the Juch-area runs. But already at noon, the town police is on the site of present and comprises people from the Area.

The early intervention by the police had nothing to do with a possible evacuation of the area, says police spokesman Marco Cortesi. But with the video message, published on the tamper. In it, you call under the Motto “Juch remains on the” to solidarity: “Come by from 12.00, bring your Trash & Friends. It is followed by & stayed.” Cortesi says that the Federal Council had prohibited events due to the Coronavirus. And the same as in the case of assemblies on the Sechseläutenplatz, the police should not allow a farewell party on the Juch Area. Until late in the afternoon, the police said ten directions.

Open secret paths

The white-and-orange vans, the police were starting at noon, well visible at the entrances of parks. The police, however, had not much to do. They watched on their phones, chatted to each other and ate ice Cream. Their role is addressed, said one of them, that they should not allow people to Juch Area. More he could not say the journalists. This the police did, however, unhindered access to the fenced property. The squatters knew, apparently unguarded back roads: Two masked men arrived within a few minutes at the occupied Area and disappeared in it. A climbed nimbly over the two-Meter-high fence.

Only in a very few Places there are restrictions due to the Barriers through a look at the occupied Juch Area.Photo: Thomas Zemp

Two masked Squatters, the three present journalists welcomed in front of the entrance gate. They were ready a couple of questions to accept that you discussed in the collective. Finally you replied to this only very selectively. They threw the city to have the Dialog be denied. You have searched the conversation is active, it should be but never came to a contact. On the contrary, the city have always communicated not only what you have chosen. The Squatters and the squatters have also ensures never to leave the Premises after the expiration of the extension volunteer, said the two speakers. Whether you would pull off until midnight or not, wouldn’t you say. Signs of it were in the afternoon.

the town was already a line-up prior to the expiry of the ultimatum with a local police, has caused irritated reaction. In a joint communication from the SP, the greens and the AL of the city of Zurich in condemning the actions as “completely unreasonable and legally untenable”. The FDP welcomes the fact that the city keeps on “Ultimatum to the occupiers of the Juch-site festival” and the bends.

eviction date because Corona

The security Department was originally on the 24. April deadline to Leave the site in Zurich-Altstetten, shortly before the expiry of that period, in a surprising u-turn is extended up to the present date. The postponement was granted on the grounds that the Area, more people were staying than originally assumed and that a timely statement of the Dwelling under the current Corona-related restrictions and rules of conduct could not be ensured.

at Least part of the tamper has the deadline now to pass: you have turned on Thursday in a Letter to the media and complain about the lack of “reasons” for the eviction. There is still no evidence that this justification – the space would be needed for construction fittings of the HRS Real Estate is durable is.

Neither the Public nor the policy blueprints were showing that they needed the premises in fact, right now, for the construction of the adjacent stadium.

in Addition, the Petition for the preservation of the Juch-occupation with over 1600 would show signatures, “that the eviction is contrary to the interest of many people in this city”. The tamper would make this Area a cultural space and the terrain for the people of this city to open . “We want to stay!”

A strip of a city police car on Friday for lunch on the occupied Juch Area.Photo: Thomas Zemp0 comment please Login to comment