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An iconic duo. At the end of the 1980s, Muriel Robin met Pierre Palmade and the two comedians would later form a writing duo, notably for the show They love each other – played with Michèle Laroque – then for the sequels They loved each other (2001 ) and They love each other again (2012). Friend of Pierre Palmade for 30 years, Muriel Robin went to his bedside after the serious road accident he caused on Friday February 10. Hospitalized at the Kremlin-Bicêtre, the actor was then in a state considered worrying.

A month later, Paris Match reveals new information related to the accident, in its edition of this Thursday, March 9. With her partner Anne Le Nen, Muriel Robin visited her “little brother”, her “spiritual son” twice, on Saturday February 11, then on Sunday February 12. According to the magazine, she would then have met the family of the victims – a man, his son and his pregnant sister-in-law -: “At the bend of the corridors, the actress met the family that her friend broke up. She melted into tears in their arms, sharing their pain, feeling almost guilty for not having been able to avoid this tragedy”.

A scene that would have deeply upset Muriel Robin, to the point that the latter would have decided not to come to see him in the hospital, explains Paris Match. In question, in particular, the results of the toxicological examinations of Pierre Palmade, who was positive for cocaine at the time of the tragedy. Suspicions of pedophilia, which are the subject of another investigation, would also have upset the actress and her partner. The magazine writes: “They almost believed it, like all of France, before a judge dismissed these allegations”.

Muriel Robin has remained silent since the dramatic accident, she who would have tried many times to dismiss Pierre Palmade from his addictions. However, she wrote him a letter, which Paris Match has just revealed. This is what she tells him.

In the letter addressed to her friend and quoted by Paris Match, Muriel Robin says she is “disgusted” after discovering the results of the toxicological analyzes of Pierre Palmade. “He is supposedly sick… But he never really wanted to get treatment”, she would add in her missive, which she read to him. Referring to the condition of the three victims, she affirms that the accident is “his fault, his fault”.

Harsh words from a longtime friend. The magazine recalls that Muriel Robin “is one of the people who was closest to him during his career”. A dispute would have also broken out between the two comedians at the time of the hospitalization of Pierre Palmade.

According to information from Here, a violent argument broke out between Pierre Palmade and Muriel Robin at the hospital. “Very angry” against the comedian, the actress would have “in particular treated him as an assassin”, explains the magazine, citing a source. The latter “would not have supported, he asked him to leave his room and they did not see each other again”.

To Paris Match, a relative of Muriel Robin added: “She is terribly angry with him for having broken the life of a family, for having taken the wheel while he was under the influence of drugs”. She would be “disgusted, disappointed and unhappy” and could not “forgive” Pierre Palmade.