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Anthony Delon was born on September 30, 1964 in Hollywood, United States. The little boy is the fruit of the love between the famous actor Alain Delon and the actress and director Nathalie Sand.

When he was one year old, his parents decided to return to live in France. When he was only four years old, the couple broke up and his parents put an end to their relationship. Anthony goes to live with his mother while his father starts a new life with actress Mireille Darc.

Asocial, the rebellious young boy was sent at the age of 10 to a Parisian boarding house in Jouy-en-Josas. After two years of schooling in the establishment, Anthony decides to escape there to return to Paris. He then travels 30 km on foot to his mother’s home. It was not until he was 14 that the teenager left to live with his father, his mother having decided to leave France for the United States.

His adolescence is punctuated by many stays in boarding school as well as by the reformatory box when he was 17 years old. A few months later, Anthony Delon decides to fly to Nigeria to make a documentary on singer Fela Kuti. On the spot, the young adult was arrested by the local police for possession of an automatic pistol, stolen earlier from a gendarme. After his imprisonment in Bois-d’Arcy in France, he decided to create his own brand of leather jacket. In addition to this flourishing activity, Alain Delon’s son also became a partner in several nightclubs.

Tired of the media pressure he suffered in France, he finally preferred to go into exile in New York. In “the big apple”, he meets famous stars, among others Andy Warhol, Brooke Shields and Diane Von Furstenberg. It was also during this period that he starred in the film by Francesco Rosi entitled Chronicle of a Death Announced. From 1993, Anthony Delon embarked on motor racing. Passionate about the discipline, he finished second at the Albi Grand Prix. Four years later, at 33, he played for the second time in his career in Thomas Gilou’s film The Truth If I Lie.

On the heart side, the son of Alain Delon lived a romance with the actress Valérie Kaprisky when he was 24 years old. In 2006, he passed the ring on to Sophie Clerico. The couple gave birth to two daughters: Lou Delon in 1996 and Liv Delon in 2001. Finally, the couple separated during 2012. In his autobiography Le Premier Maillon published in 2008, Anthony Delon admits having had a little girl with a dancer from the Crazy Horse named Marie-Hélène.

Anouchka Delon was born on November 25, 1990 in Gien in the Loiret. It is the fruit of love between actor Alain Delon and Dutch model Rosalie Van Breemen. It was between Switzerland and the Netherlands that the young girl grew up.

At the age of 11, his family decided to settle in the French capital. A year later, she took her first steps in front of the cameras alongside her father in the TV movie The Lion. From 2007 to 2010, she followed the Cours Simon, a theatrical training for professional actors. A year later, Anouchka performed on the boards of the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens before going on tour in 2013 and 2014. Since then, the pretty brunette has been performing plays.

We find her in Hibernatus in 2015 and Libres est les Papillons in 2016. In 2018, she starred in two feature films, Le café de mes souvenirs and Tout resemblance, by Michel Denisot.

On the heart side, the young woman has been in a relationship with actor Julien Dereims since 2010. She became the mother of a boy named Lino on February 15, 2020.

Alain-Fabien was born on March 18, 1994 in Gien in the Loiret. He is the son of actor Alain Delon and model Rosalie Van Breemen. The young boy lived a happy childhood in his father’s country house in Douchy. After his parents divorced in 2001, he spent much of his childhood away from his father. It was not until the summer of 2010 that the young boy reconnected with his father.

In 2011, the actor’s son was charged by the Swiss courts. Indeed, the latter is accused of having shot and injured a young girl, invited to a party organized in her father’s apartment. Alain Delon, he does not hesitate to defend his son. Since these events, the young man left Switzerland to take his first steps as an actor in the film Les Rencontres d’après-minuit, directed by Yann Gonzalez. A year later, he starred in the short film Der Doppelganger for Vogue Italy magazine.

Invited on the Daily set on February 5, 2019, Alain-Fabien Delon, came to promote his first novel. A sequence that has outraged some internet users. Indeed, we could read on Twitter: “What arrogance my God… It leaves traces of being the son of Delon” or even “Ok Jean-Alain-André-Fabrice Delon From the race of the Lords of Montmirail, you , your reup, your condescension, your inappropriate way of addressing everyone and your pretentiousness, I don’t like you at all”.

On the heart side, the son of Alain Delon was in a relationship with the ex-star of reality tv Capucine Anav.

Ari Boulogne was born on August 11, 1962 in Paris. According to the words of his mother, the German singer and actress Nico, he would be the illegitimate son of Alain Delon. However, the latter has never recognized him and has always opposed any process of recognition. The actor would have limited himself to a blood test in the 60s.

The child is raised by Alain Delon’s mother, Edith Boulogne. Indeed, his mother not being able to take care of him because of his career, Edith Boulogne will go to New York to look for her alleged grandson to raise him. In 1977, the young boy was finally adopted by Paul Boulogne, the husband of Alain Delon’s mother. Photographer by profession, he publishes a book of memories entitled Love never forgets. On the private side, the adopted son of Paul Boulogne had two children: Charles born in 1999 and Blanche born in 2006.

In 2019, Christian Aaron Boulogne had filed a request for recognition of paternity before the court of Orleans in the Center-Val de Loire, region in which the actor Alain Delon has a residence, reported LCI. On September 29, 2021, the Court of Appeal confirmed that it was “territorially incompetent” to judge the case because of the actor’s place of residence, located in Switzerland. “Mr. Alain Delon provides proof that his domicile is in Switzerland (…) It follows that his domicile is in Switzerland and not in France” details the judgment.

The Court of Appeal also underlined the “bad faith” of the plaintiff, considering that it is “obviously a question of obtaining the application of German law more favorable to the applicants, so that the aim pursued (… ) is to improperly circumvent the application of French law on territorial jurisdiction”.

Ari Bologna found dead at his home

On the night of May 19 to 20, 2023, the 60-year-old photographer was found dead at his home in the XV arrondissement of Paris, as revealed by Le Parisien. A woman, who would be his companion, was placed in police custody for “failure to assist a person in danger” in order “to clarify the circumstances in which the death of the victim, who was hemiplegic, may have occurred”, reports the Paris prosecutor’s office. The body of the supposed son of Alain Delon was in a state of “advanced decomposition”, report our colleagues. His body was taken “to the forensic institute of Paris to undergo an autopsy”.