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After nearly 60 years of career, Serge Lama continues to be talked about. The one who had success by participating in Eurovision before shining with hits like I am sick or even Les Petites femmes de Pigalle lives a beautiful story with Luana. Married to his assistant in February 2021, the 79-year-old artist confided in their love story in Seven to Eight on TF1.

“She is my one and last love, which is built on solid foundations,” he confided in front of Audrey Crespo-Mara before continuing. “I wonder every day what life I’m giving her. I thought, ‘But you’re selfish. This girl is young, and then you’re going to hurt her when you disappear, etc.’ She was stronger than me and she convinced me to stay by her side. I can see in her eyes that she is happy with me”. Happiness found for the artist who nevertheless lost several women in his life, but also encountered health problems in his career.

In January 2020, the famous singer sent his best wishes for 2020 to his fans on his Facebook account. “My dear friends, Happy New Year 2020, a square number in a France that is no longer running smoothly. I hear your fears, your fears, your problems and unfortunately I can only do one thing for you, SING. It is , with WRITE, the only thing I know how to do and, unfortunately, sing for the last time in the provinces. Farewell Bordeaux, Farewell Toulouse, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille and its region, Nantes, Strasbourg and I forget some and I It’s a sad litany for me too. So many memories tie me to your beautiful regions. So many memorable evenings shared in the joy of a contagious friendship, a joy of being together, a conviviality. It was YOU who made me what I am, it was YOU who, before the capital, recognized me and carried me to the end of joy”, he explained at first.

Unfortunately for fans of the artist, the latter confided in his fragile health and decided to stop touring in the provinces. “Since I made this decision, it’s been going around in my head. OVER! Over, that’s a terrible word, but you know that I have only one word and that I will not go back on this decision. I told you that the barometer would be my body and that I would sing as long as my legs would carry me (I should also write “my” leg, because for 55 years, since that famous accident, it has been carrying me, l “other is just an unstable support). But now, she tells me enough! It was during the last tour that I realized that it was over and that keeping up with the rhythm of the trips had become too demanding for me (…) The province, it will be over. If afterwards, my physical condition still allows me to perform, you will have to come and see me in Paris”, he explained.

Now recovered, the singer is in better shape than ever and notably made a very noticeable appearance (from a distance) during season 10 of Star Academy on TF1. From his beginnings in the 1960s to today, Serge Lama remains one of the artists popular with the French. For the occasion, Planet returns to its physical evolution in pictures.