resim 189
resim 189

Ready for the start of the school year? The government, for its part, is already thinking about what sauce it is about to eat you, informs the Huffington Post on its site. Not scalded by the long weeks of parliamentary debate relating to the Purchasing Power law, which was finally adopted by a joint committee at the beginning of August, the executive is now working on several major projects. Autumn, say our colleagues, should be particularly busy. But what are the themes that Emmanuel Macron and his teams wish to address, now that the measures to combat inflation have already been validated?

It is clear, explains to AFP a “responsible for the majority” whose name has not been communicated, that the remaining subjects could prove to be explosive. “Hostilities will start at the start of the school year, and no one seems to want to see the crisis wall that is in front of us”, he simply indicates. He obviously evokes particularly contested projects such as that of the pension reform that the Head of State wishes to initiate.

The pension reform, mentioned many times during the election campaign, consists of pushing back the legal retirement age to gradually increase it from 62 to 65 years old. The desired entry into force is approaching: the executive had decided for the summer of 2023, which means that we will have to start actively discussing the terms of the transformation before the winter of 2022 or simply give up the dialogue, specify our colleagues. In either case, it will also be necessary to count on the mobilization of the opposition and that of the street. A first day of interprofessional strike is already scheduled for September 29.

Among the topics perhaps less expected is obviously immigration. It is Gérald Darmanin, defector from the right and Minister of the Interior since the previous five-year term, who intends to bring the question back to the fore. In practice, informs Europe 1, the former mayor of Tourcoing planned a bill, the examination of which was to begin in the Senate in October. Finally, it must be postponed and replaced, initially, by a national “great debate” in the Assembly.

This great debate must be preceded “at the request of the Prime Minister” by consultation with all French political formations, but also “associations and representatives of civil society”. This will be organized directly at the Ministry of the Interior.

In the immediate future, everything suggests that it is above all on the right that the minister really intends to express himself. He promises “a profound reform of the organization of asylum”, likely to make possible “a much more demanding integration of foreigners”, but also “a more intractable fight than ever against delinquent foreigners”, for example.

Deputies and senators are not done with the budget. From the beginning of October, they will have to discuss the 2023 budget of the State as well as Social Security. A real test of strength for the majority, since the latter is only relative, further underlines the Huffington Post on its site. These are the themes that the oppositions rarely agree to vote on, they say.

Gabriel Attal, who has recovered the morocco from the Public Accounts, has decided to reveal some of his leads: he evokes a series of budget increases for several ministries, including National Education, Employment, Defence, Interior, Justice or Foreign Affairs.