resim 1812
resim 1812

After weeks of struggle and social mobilization, the pension reform was indeed adopted thanks to the relentlessness of the government of Elisabeth Borne. Despite the reluctance of the French, the unions, but also the opposition, nothing could stop the mad rush of this controversial text, which should be implemented from September 1st. In fact, future retirees will have to work longer, two additional years, a situation that bothers the younger generation less than expected. Decryption.

For the French, the adoption of the pension reform marks a radical change in their lives and, in particular, the prospect of the end of their professional career. Among the measures soon to be implemented, the raising of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64, as well as the increase in the duration of insurance, raised to 43 annuities, are among the decisions that are difficult to accept. However, it would seem that the younger generation is less refractory than expected to these system transformations.

According to a study by Job Teaser, published this Tuesday, June 27, 44% of 18-27 year olds would actually be in favor of postponing the legal retirement age, set at 64, against only 23% of 43-62 year olds. . A surprising figure when the younger generations were nevertheless very present during the winter demonstrations and, visibly, they too were angry at this firm and definitive choice of the executive.

In its recent study, reported by Les Echos, the JobTeaser platform, which specializes in the recruitment of students and young graduates, is particularly interested in generation Z. relation to work and change the process sustainably.

Among these astonishing figures, 44% of 18-27 year olds and 46% of 27-43 year olds approve of this transition to 64 years old. Asked about this, Adrien Ledoux, co-founder and boss of JobTeaser, evokes “a generation ready to work more to earn more, to provide as much effort as it takes to reach its end”. The desire to restore the balance between professional and personal life also gives the impression that “the age of departure is looked at in a distant way”.

Despite these figures, the younger generation remains worried about its future. Thus, 42% of 18-27 year olds fear a precarious situation when they retire, while 90% of them plan to set up a savings system so as not to find themselves in difficulty. Adrien Ledoux confirms that “newcomers to the world of work are very pragmatic and have no illusions”.

They are therefore 56% of 18-27 year olds to believe that their remuneration will be very important in their professional life, while only 21% give importance to the meaning and impact of their job. . 77% of them do not want to stay more than five years in the same organization. They are also 81% to be in favor of an extension of paternity leave and 87% to the four-day week.