resim 1276
resim 1276

Since the beginning of the year, social mobilization against the pension reform has continued to weaken with thousands of people present in the streets. If this text remains as controversial as ever, the French had to accept its adoption, then its promulgation, brought with force by the government. While it must now be implemented on September 1, many unknowns remain, even if the raising of the legal age of departure, as well as the increase in the duration of insurance are already recorded. Will this reform also apply to politicians?

For the French, it is a Chinese puzzle, as well as a great source of concern, which are planned from the start of the school year with the implementation of the pension reform. Despite months of struggle, the legal retirement age will therefore be gradually raised to the threshold of 64 years, set in 2030. It will therefore take 43 annuities to be able to leave, according to the new rules introduced by the executive.

At the heart of this democratic turmoil, the French fear the arrival of these two additional years of work, but also the gradual advance towards more complex retirement conditions. In order to continue with the desire for fairness desired by the executive, the Bureau of the institution has thus initiated the gradual postponement of the age of eligibility for rights from 62 to 64 years, for deputies and staff alike. The provisions of the reform have therefore been transposed for the civil servants of the Palais Bourbon.

While the gradual increase of three months per generation was adopted, the accelerated schedule bringing full retirement to 43 annuities was also approved. The pension reform leads, in fact, to an increase from 42 to 43 annuities by 2027. The Bureau has also recorded the possibility for the staff of the Assembly to work until the age of 70, against 67 today.

As Le Figaro reports, the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet had thus announced that she wanted to “transpose” the reform as soon as it was promulgated. A vote, which turned out without major difficulties, despite “two votes against and one abstention”.

From 2017, the regime for deputies had already been “aligned with that of the state civil service”, by abolishing the old double contribution system. The MEPs’ pension is thus calculated on a pro rata basis of the annuities acquired with, after five years of mandate, a net monthly amount established at 684 euros.

This amount can be combined with other pensions and increases when a deputy is re-elected. In total, “the average net monthly amount of pensions liquidated in 2022, partly for certain deputies on the basis of the old double contribution system, is 2990 euros” monthly, as the Assembly had specified last February.