resim 614
resim 614

Since the presentation of the bill by Elisabeth Borne in January, the question of long careers has been a problem. Indeed, the increase in the legal retirement age raises many problems for people who started working very young. While the examination of the text is coming to an end, the joint joint committee must agree on this device and the answers provided will be particularly scrutinized. Decryption of the generations affected by this new long career system.

Thanks to the long career system already in place, it is possible to retire earlier depending on the age at which you started working. Therefore, you can request your retirement before the age of 62, subject to justifying a minimum number of quarters at the start of your activity. To retire before age 60, it is therefore necessary to have contributed at least 5 quarters before the end of the calendar year of your 16th birthday.

For example, if you started your professional activity before the age of 16, it is possible to retire at the age of 58. For a career start before the age of 20, the retirement age is set at 60. In both cases, four quarters are sufficient if you were born during the last quarter of the year or if you started working under the self-employed agricultural scheme. A minimum number of quarters contributed, all schemes taken together, is nevertheless compulsory.

As part of the pension reform, the government has planned to add a new threshold at the age of 18. At the request of Republicans, through an amendment passed in the Senate, another limit was created for people who started their professional career before the age of 21.

In total, there are now 4 age thresholds that appear in the long career system, i.e. 16 years, 18 years, 20 years and 21 years. However, the number of quarters required remains unchanged to take advantage of this early departure. Depending on your month of birth, it is therefore essential to accumulate 5 trimesters (for a birth between January and September) or 4 (for a birth between October and December).

With the pension reform, no change is to be expected for those who started their career before the age of 16. However, you will have to pay attention to the contribution period, which can be extended if you started your activity at 14 years old: 44 years will be necessary, then 43 for a start of activity at 15 years old. The first generations concerned will be those born from September 1, 1965. For people who started working before the age of 18, you can retire from the age of 60, for generations born from September 1, 1963.

The contribution period will essentially depend on the age of the start of the activity. It will be 44 years for those who started at 18, then 43 for people who started at 19. Those who started their professional career before the age of 21 will be able to retire at the age of 63.