resim 196
resim 196

The government will not back down. In the columns of franceinfo, Elisabeth Borne confirmed it: the legal retirement age is no longer negotiable. “Retirement at 64 and the acceleration of the Touraine reform, this is the compromise that we proposed after hearing the employers’ organizations and trade unions, after having exchanged with the various parliamentary groups”, hammered the Prime Minister. On the other hand, she was open to discussions around the “maternity” and “education” terms obtained by women.

Statements that come the day before the arrival of the text on pension reform in the National Assembly, this Monday, January 30, 2023. From today, the parliamentarians of the Social Affairs Committee will have to work not only on the draft government, but also on the thousands of amendments tabled by the various parties. The text will then be presented in session between February 6 and 17.

While the postponement of the retirement age and the abolition of the majority of special schemes seem very clear from the point of view of the executive, certain points of the text remain unclear. What will happen, for example, to the 10% bonus and malus on the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension?

As a reminder, the reduction coefficient applies for three years to insured persons who request their supplementary pension from the age when they benefit from the full rate under the basic scheme. “A reduction of 10% for 3 years applies to the amount of your supplementary pension. The pension ceases to be reduced at the latest when the retiree reaches the age of 67”, specifies the site of Agirc-Arrco .

On the other hand, if you ask for your supplementary pension two years or more after the age to leave at full rate, you benefit, for one year, from an increase:

Those who leave one year after having contributed enough to leave at full rate do not receive any penalties or bonuses. What will happen once the retirement age is shifted to 64?

In April 2023, the social partners will have to meet to decide on the fate of the 10% penalty on the supplementary pension, we learn from Le Parisien. If the pension reform is adopted and no change is made to the principle of the reduction coefficient, the discount will continue to apply to the supplementary pension of all private sector employees who will retire at the full rate at 64, 65 or 66 years old… And this, although they all have their trimesters. And this for a maximum period of three years, or until their 67th birthday.

“Concerning long careers, even topo, the penalty, which is now 5%, will continue to apply according to the same rules”, specifies the daily Ile-de-France.

What are the scenarios envisaged by the social partners?

One of the social partners’ options would be to simply abolish the 10% discount, to compensate for the effort required of employees following the postponement of the legal retirement age. “A perspective favored by several trade union organizations, already up in the air at the time of the discussions and who had refused to sign this turn of the screw”, specifies Le Parisien.

The last option would be to maintain only the principle of increasing the supplementary retirement pension for employees who have worked two years or more after their full rate age.

According to a manager interviewed by the daily, the preferred scenario will depend on the financial margins and the contribution of Agirc-Arrco.