After the government’s forced passage and the use of article 49.3 to pass the pension reform, there are many uncertainties over the coming weeks. While two motions of censure must be studied by the National Assembly and that a passage before the Constitutional Council could also take place, everyone wonders about the possible resignation of the government. In the perspective where the text could be, as of this week, adopted, here are the main axes which will change for the elaboration of your retirement.

The pension reform voted, thanks to the recourse of article 49.3, last week must now be implemented on September 1, 2023. Pending this date, certain events can still modify the course of things, in particular the examination of motions of censure and passage before the Constitutional Council. However, the French are now preparing to see their retirement change and to work more, despite still strong social mobilization in the streets. The postponement of the legal retirement age will thus initially concern the generation born on or after September 1, 1961. Except in special cases, they will not be able to retire before the age of 62. and 3 months.

In addition to raising the legal retirement age, the acceleration of the Touraine reform is still on the agenda. It is thus a measure which was voted during the mandate of François Hollande and which calls for the contribution of a greater number of quarters to retire with a full rate. Therefore, this number is planned in a logic of increase according to the generations. It is noted at 166 quarters if you were born between 1955 and 1957, then gradually increases to 167 for people born between 1958 and 1960. Discover, in our slideshow, all the other points which will change according to your generation.