resim 1547
resim 1547

After long weeks of debate, the pension reform was finally validated by the Constitutional Council, then immediately promulgated by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. If the opposition and the unions continue to hope for a withdrawal from this reform, the French are preparing to see their retirement be profoundly transformed. How many more quarters will you have to contribute?

Despite a long democratic process, between debates in the National Assembly, passage in the Senate, and examination by the Constitutional Council, the pension reform was finally validated. Among the major changes initiated by this text, the raising of the legal retirement age, as well as the increase in the duration of insurance, will redefine the contours of retirement for many French people. From now on, the legal age will be set at 64 years while the number of annuities required will rise to 43, with an additional quarter per generation.

As part of this reform, some generations will be more impacted than others. The first concerned should thus be people born from September 1, 1961, who will be able to retire at the age of 62 years and three months. This process will continue until 2030, when the starting age will reach 64 for all. While the pension reform is to be implemented from September 1, 2023, what should you expect? Discover, in our slideshow, the number of additional quarters that you will have to contribute.