Some gray areas of the pension reform seem to be clearing up. In the project planned during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, just before the Covid-19 epidemic, one point in particular seemed to anger unions and public service employees.

But this time, the government seems to have reconsidered on this matter and is thus offering a concession to the civil servants. Indeed, in the systemic reform project of 2020, the ambition of the executive was to standardize the method of calculation for the public and the private sector. He wanted to generalize the universal points scheme, in which each year counts, specifies Notre temps.

For the time being, the civil servants’ pension is calculated on “the basis of your last gross index salary held for at least 6 months at the date of your termination”, as can be read on the Service’s website. audience. This salary is generally the highest, in particular according to seniority.

Conversely, the retirement pensions of private sector employees are, for the time being, calculated according to the best 25 years of their retirement. Invited by Sud Radio on October 20, 2022, Stanislas Guerini, Minister of the Civil Service, said that the method of calculating retirement pensions for the public sector would not be changed by the new reform.

“In reality, the situation is exactly the same in the public service as in the private sector”, he declared in particular, thus responding to the assertions according to which the civil servants would be privileged by this method of calculation, whereas the bonuses are not not taken into account.

The Minister also spoke on another point that worried public service employees.

Of the 4.1 million civil service employees, about 765,000 are considered “active” categories. This means that the officials concerned are at particular risk of fatigue and may therefore consider early retirement.

The Minister of the Public Service thus intends to retain this possibility for the agents concerned. Among them, 59% work in the hospital and 23% in the state apparatus according to a figure advanced during the previous five-year term, shared by Les Echos.

These announcements by Stanislas Guerini come as consultations with the social partners were launched by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. These should last another ten days during which the Minister of the Public Service should meet the unions.

According to Les Echos, giving such assurances to the unions would be a tactical choice aimed at preventing “a fever outbreak”. But for the time being, if concessions have been made, one of the most contested points of this retirement will still be applied for the public as for the private sector, the lowering of the legal retirement age.